Primary School

The National Curriculum provides the framework for educating students in Years 1 to 6 (ages 5 to 11). Our curriculum programme is a cross-curricular, rigorous teaching programme that integrates history, geography, science, art, information communication technology and design technology into thematic units and provides links to National Curriculum guidelines for literacy, numeracy, music and physical education. Children spend three to six weeks on Units of Work which are based around interdisciplinary themes of real interest to children so they are engaged and enthusiastic. This extended period of study allows students to approach topics from multiple perspectives and to make connections between subjects. Focusing on three standards – academic, personal development and international mindedness – our programme provide a creative system that prepares children, wherever they may live in the future, for the world of tomorrow. Fundamental to our programme approach to learning is a clear progression in skill development. This even applies to the personal learning goals which emphasise adaptability, resilience, thoughtfulness, cooperation and respect and which, as a result of progressive skill development, help children to become able, confident and inspired learners. Internationalism is embedded into every unit to ensure our children grow up with a very clear global understanding. The National Curriculum provide a well-defined framework which sets standards that measure how children are performing in each subject, helping teachers ensure high overall student performance.

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